The important thing to remember is that each time a worker plans to enter any work space, the worker should determine if that work space is considered a confined space. Be sure the confined space hazard assessment and control program has been followed.
Hopelmar provides Confined Space Specialit and Technicians assignment services to install, commission, test, calibrate and maintain the supplied equipment. Our Professionals are trained and qualified to Assistance in clarification of potential atmospheric hazard for confined space.
Hopelmar provides rental services for up-to-date Confined Space Equipment. The equipment package includes :
1. Portable electronic gas detectors
2. Portable plunger type gas detectors with tube
3. 5, 10, & 30 minutes air packs and work line units
4. Bottle bank of 2, 4, 6 & 8 cilinders of 300 cu.ft.each
5. Electronic or diesel breathing ai compressors
6. Integrated air loop system
7. Confined Blower
8. Other or multiple accessories
Please contact our Customer Support for detail information..!!